
Stage plot pro reset trial
Stage plot pro reset trial

stage plot pro reset trial

To remove an instrument from the stage, select it by clicking or shift-clicking on it and press your “Delete” key. (This seems to vary from PowerMacs to Intel Macs.) Working with Instruments: When you have one instrument overlapping another, you may bring the lower one to the front by clicking or shift-clicking on it. Simply use the re-size button on the bottom right corner of the window. You may resize the window at this point to arrange your text in a single line, or lines of text in a column. Your text will appear in the field below. Type your text into the editfield at the top of the "Notes" window and press “Return” or “Enter”. Notes Window: Use the “Notes” window (select Window>Notes) to add text to the stage.

stage plot pro reset trial

Once on-stage, you have the possibility to modify the instrument position by dragging it. Load-In Window: If needed, use the radio buttons on the “Load-In” window to angle an instrument left or right before dragging it onto the stage. “Instruments” include everything from drums to microphones, amplifiers, monitors, DI boxes, electric drops, etc. StagePlotPro allows you to choose an “Instrument” from the menubar, it will appear in the “Load-In” window, and you will drag it to the desired position on the “Stage”.

stage plot pro reset trial

You may find working with StagePlotPro to be relatively instinctive.

Stage plot pro reset trial